Using components

Components are a nice and simple way to do code splitting inside of your templates. If you are familiar with JavaScript frameworks like ReactJS of Angular, you already know what ssgo components are about.

In summary, components are .html or .htm files living inside of the components/ directory (or inside one of its subdirectories, recursively). They allow you to do anything you can do inside of regular Templates. The point of components is that they are easily reusable and that they allow you to have a nice splitted code architecture.

Before building your pages, ssgo first recursively walks inside of your components/ directory for every .html (or .htm) files he can find.


Every component found is usable from templates or from other components. To use a component, just use the name of its HTML declaration file as an HTML tag. The data needed by your component must be given to it using the tag's attributes.

For example, let's say your components/ directory looks like this:

└── misc/
    └── seo.html
└── layout.html
// seo.html

<title>{{ pageTitle }}</title>

<meta eval:charset="pageCharset" />
<meta property="og:title" eval:content="pageTitle" />


// layout.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html eval:lang="lang">
    <seo pageCharset="'utf-8'" pageTitle="title"></seo>

    {{ children }}

Your template files could use these components as follows:

// my-template.html

<layout lang="'en'" title="fetchedPageTitle" metaTags="[]">
    <!-- [...] -->

There are some interesting things to notice in this example:

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