Here's the reference of the command line interface commands built in ssgo:

ssgo build

Note that the build is the default command: running ssgo without the build keyword is similar.

Builds the ssgo project of the current directory to the dist/ directory.


ssgo serve

Serves the build locally (on http://localhost:5580 by default).

This intends to be used for testing purposes only: you should not use it in production.


ssgo dev

Same as build except ssgo will not build the entire project directly, it will instead build only the needed files when requested.

It will also spawn a file watcher on your project files to re-build specific parts of the project upon changes. dev will also serve the content of the dist/ directory over http://localhost:5580.


ssgo init

Initializes a ssgo project in the current working directory by creating the needed directories: creators/, templates/, components/, static/. A default creator, template and stylesheet will also be created. init will also create a default .gitignore file and add the dist/ directory inside it.

ssgo init && ls
# .gitignore creators/ templates/ components/ static/

cat .gitignore
# dist/

Note that if some of the directories or files to create already exist, init will let them untouched.

ssgo version

Outputs the current version of ssgo.

ssgo upgrade

Upgrades to the latest ssgo version.

ssgo help

Shows some help about ssgo commands.

Global options

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